Crossword puzzle for February 2, 2023

1. Category
6. Footnote note
10. Misfortunes
14. Metal fastener
15. Naked
16. Half-moon tide
17. Sporting venue
18. Feudal estate
19. Mexican sandwich
20. Specific
22. At any point
23. Aromatic ointment
24. Apprehend
26. Sign of boredom
30. Falsehood
31. Not me
32. Freshwater mussel
33. Almost a meter
35. Support
39. Frame of reference
41. Large mass of floating ice
43. Ire
44. Being
46. African sheep
47. Past tense of To be
49. Buddy
50. Silent assents
51. Inflict
54. Type of fruit
56. French for "Black"
57. Treated condescendingly (Br. sp.)
63. Tallow source
64. Fork prong
65. Swelling
66. Carve in stone
67. A Great Lake
68. Flannel shirt pattern
69. Not we
70. Sounds of disapproval
71. Quizzes
1. Obscene term for feces
2. Former Italian currency
3. Assert
4. Dispatched
5. Spot
6. Exasperate
7. Constructor
8. Concept
9. Bear the expenses of
10. Going between cities
11. Depart
12. Shoestrings
13. Athletics
21. Whorl of sepals
25. After-bath wear
26. Cassava
27. Any minute
28. An airfoil on a plane
29. Remarkable
34. Dissents
36. Pertaining to flight
37. Gunk
38. Auspices
40. Ages
42. Stringed instrument
45. First artificial satellite
48. Seven performers
51. A picture-in-picture
52. Oral cavity
53. Fragment
55. Bungling
58. Broadcasts
59. Inactive
60. Oceans
61. Broadcast
62. Fathers

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for February 2023

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