Crossword puzzle for February 11, 2009

1. Fritter away
6. Means
10. Plate
14. Communion table
15. Ends a prayer
16. Ancient Peruvian
17. Plant life
18. Sediment
19. First World War plane
20. Compositor
22. Remedy
23. N N N N
24. Gives expression to
26. Toward the center
30. The color of most grass
32. Twofold
33. Gin flavor
35. Sedate
39. Best of the best
41. Before
42. Therefore
43. Permit
44. Inquires
46. Midday
47. Crystal-lined stone
49. A tedious recital
51. To the rear
54. Horse of a dull brownish grey color
55. Leave in a hurry
56. Not an oil painting
63. Chop finely
64. Astringent
65. Give a speech
66. Otherwise
67. Hindu princess
68. French for "Morning"
69. Fortuneteller
70. "Shucks!"
71. Choose

1. Drift
2. A friendly nation
3. Cease
4. Container weight
5. Found at the end of a pencil
6. Sail supports
7. Leave out
8. Expunge
9. Main course
10. Dissatisfaction
11. Enter data
12. Frighten
13. God of the underworld (Greek mythology)
21. Concludes
25. Net
26. Inspiration
27. Void
28. Cry out
29. With everything included
30. A very spiny and dense evergreen shrub
31. Smell
34. Direct
36. Dwarf buffalo
37. Computer symbol
38. Declare untrue
40. Pitcher
45. Aspersion
48. Forward
50. Revenue
51. Residues from fires
52. Weighing machine
53. Piece of armor for a thigh
54. To yield or submit
57. Winged
58. Albacore or bluefin
59. Verbal
60. Tardy
61. Auditory
62. Apartment payment

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Last modified: February 9, 2009. Copyright 2009 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.