1. A preparation made from hemp leaves
6. Former Pakistani copper coins
11. Ocean
14. A region of Asia Minor
15. A restraining chain
16. A rapid escape
17. Refined
19. Viper
20. Persists
21. Flat or even
23. A stiff straw hat
27. Without company
28. The science of space travel
32. Largest moon of Saturn
33. Move about surreptitiously
34. "___ humbug!"
37. Pile
38. Helps bowel movements
39. Wan
40. Go astray
41. A style of car
42. 4th letter of the Greek alphabet
43. Placed at intervals
45. A type of rhododendron
48. Bird sanctuary
49. Spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle
50. Desert "trees"
53. Accomplished
54. The quality of being zealous
60. Before
61. Mound
62. Strange or weird
63. The color of cherries
64. Velocity
65. Begin

1. Large
2. Till
3. Advice columnist ___ Landers
4. Egg of an insect
5. A square-rigged sailing ship
6. Anagram of "Slam"
7. Tidy
8. Grandmothers
9. American Sign Language
10. Shakespeare's loanshark
11. Thrall
12. Artist's workstand
13. Fully
18. Anagram of "Near"
22. N N N N
23. Cleanse the entire body
24. Withe
25. A perfume from flowers
26. Snare
27. Teller of untruths
29. Kept separate or in reserve
30. Anagram of "Urban"
31. Adolescents
34. A strong lightweight wood
35. Change
36. Intoxicating
38. Anagram of "Fate"
39. A beautiful and graceful girl
41. Involuntary violent exhalations
42. Contrives
43. Sick
44. A Maori weapon
45. A tree of the genus Alnus
46. Belgian Congo
47. Appended
50. A baked dessert
51. To the windward side
52. Rope
55. Extra Sensory Perception
56. Mesh
57. Earned Run Average
58. Term of address for a man
59. Collection or series

Home Today's solution Crosswords for March 2005

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