Crossword puzzle for September 4, 2003

1. Playwright George Bernard ____ (1856-1950)
5. A partially opened flower
8. Sleeveless cloak
12. Technician (abbrev.)
13. Anagram of "Races"
15. Mild expletive
16. Fertilizer ingredient
17. A style of Japanese comic art
18. Monster
19. Offspring
22. Hurried on foot
23. Tick
24. Sea lettuce
26. Illuminated by old fashioned lighting
29. Pieces of cutlery
31. Metric unit of area
32. Leavening agent
34. Broaden
36. Act of losing
38. A large ladle
40. Eat
41. Pear-shaped musical instruments
43. A small natural hill
45. Wild animal exhibition
46. Pulsates
48. Linger
50. A river in Spain
51. Perish
52. Rodent
54. Consequently
61. A type of wading bird
63. Small light boat
64. A Hindu god
65. A small European freshwater fish
66. Inward
67. Chieftain
68. Nature of being
69. Long period of time
70. Rotate

1. Upright in a wall
2. In this place
3. Cards with just one symbol
4. Wallops
5. Form a curve
6. Murres
7. Expletive
8. Chief Executive Officer
9. Add details to
10. Currency in Yugoslavia
11. Biblical garden
13. Sweets
14. Assemble
20. Resembling snake-like fishes
21. At a reduced speed
25. State of nonexistence
26. A thin mortar
27. The philosophy of beauty and taste
28. Short nails
29. A simple seat without a back
30. Spanish for "Mister"
31. Entirely
33. Male offspring
35. Prefix indicating recent or new
37. A Slavic people
39. Trudged
42. Rail bird
44. 53 in Roman numerals
47. Italian lawn bowling
49. Increases the tension
52. American astronaut Sally ____
53. Arabic sleeveless garments
55. Walking stick
56. Upon
57. A dark color sprinkled with white
58. Lameness
59. 57 in Roman numerals
60. Wool
62. Perceive visually

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Last modified: September 4, 2003. Copyright 2003 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.