Crossword puzzle for July 4, 2003

1. The process of combustion
5. Sword
10. Chieftain
14. Hebrew month
15. Cut the wool from
16. Weathercock
17. Lessen in value
19. Singer ____ Fitzgerald
20. Seated oneself
21. Small rounded bread
22. Aired out
24. An earthy deposit rich in lime
25. Autonomy
26. Creative person
29. Decipher
30. Telegraph code
31. Female monarch
32. Overwhelming wonder
35. "Oh my!"
36. Dollars (slang)
37. Put away
38. Female chicken
39. Flesh of various animals
40. Tub or vat
41. Enchantments
43. Marvel
44. Shout
46. Hard____ or soft____
47. Oxygenate
48. Gaelic
49. Moose
52. Gumption or determination
53. Plant life
56. A rounded subdivision of an organ
57. Jagged
58. Therefore
59. X X X X
60. Relaxations
61. Where a bird lives

1. Temporary crazes
2. Concept
3. Wholly absorbed in thought
4. Go astray
5. Accompany
6. Deceive
7. Bluish green
8. A type of cereal grass
9. Clefts or fissures
10. Levelled
11. Abused
12. Cove
13. Poised for action
18. Delete
23. Black
24. A young woman
25. Scallions
26. Nursemaid
27. Part portrayed
28. Adapt to a written form
29. Air channels
31. Uneasiness
33. Interlaced
34. Pitcher
36. Adherent
37. Minor Western Samoan monetary unit
39. Anagram of "Team"
40. A divided Asian peninsula
42. Dishes
43. Squanders
44. American bird
45. Photocopier company
46. Take away with force
48. Psyches
49. Ireland
50. Tree trunks
51. Nautical mile (abbrev.)
54. Before
55. 10

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Last modified: July 4, 2003. Copyright 2003 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.