Crossword puzzle for September 22, 2002

1. Immobilizing plaster
5. _____ Arabia
10. Death notice
14. Margarine
15. Bib
16. 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
17. River cataracts
19. A prefix indication difference or variation
20. Meadow
21. Not his
22. Genus of imperial moths
24. Fog
25. One who assists a minister
26. Administer a sacred oil in blessing
29. Inner part of a seed
30. Dike
31. 3
32. To the stern
35. Not closed
36. Characteristic
37. Dominate
38. Thick bituminous liquid
39. US philosopher Willard Van Orman _____
40. Something hard to endure
41. Belches
43. Fungus found on rocks
44. Increase in taxes (2 words)
46. Net
47. Unfastens
48. Preserve
49. Old French penny
52. Blessing
53. Occurrences
56. As well
57. Female germ cell
58. Center of an object
59. Sediment from fermentation
60. Minute openings
61. Pitcher

1. Hood
2. Winged
3. Stiff hair or bristle
4. Foot digit
5. Most secure
6. Separated
7. Website addresses
8. Unit of pain intensity
9. Not openly (2 words)
10. Prophet
11. Guffaw (2 words)
12. A very small island
13. Not these
18. A major European river
23. A1
24. Bearing
25. Nest
26. Very much
27. A genus of water scorpion
28. Make too dark (photography)
29. Central Asian rulers
31. Banal
33. Flat mass of floating ice
34. A small slender gull
36. Confectioner's shop (2 words)
37. Wealthy
39. Quintuplet (abbrev.)
40. Ascended
42. Rhinoceroses (abbrev.)
43. Gala receptions
44. Derived from a tube
45. American chameleon
46. Official tree of Canada
48. Goad or prod
49. Frozen crystalline precipitation
50. Monster
51. Exploiter
54. Minor monetary unit of Macao
55. Frozen water

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Last modified: September 20, 2002. Copyright 2002 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.