Crossword puzzle for July 12, 2002

1. Pigeon pea
5. Render harmless
10. Close
14. Margarine
15. Water wheel
16. A three-tone Chadic language
17. Burning
19. Seed coat
20. September (abbrev.)
21. Litigated
22. Source of lead
24. Psyche
25. Luminous meteors
26. Raising
29. A Niger-Congo language
30. Cause to crash
31. Swarm
32. An Internet data exchange protocol
35. Thereto (2 words)
36. Hinged device used to pick up things
37. Goddess of the earth (Greek mythology)
38. Possess
39. Foam
40. Not late
41. Religious Islamic leaders
43. Diamond-shaped pattern (knitting)
44. Pertaining to small sacs in a compound gland
46. Hillside
47. Sieve tubes (Botany)
48. Goals or objectives
49. Traverse on snow
52. ____ Lang Syne
53. Moderately rich
56. An Algonquian people of North America
57. City in Viet Nam
58. A British noble title
59. Goes astray
60. Expended
61. Not false

1. Medical professionals
2. Found in skin lotion
3. Cannabis
4. Toss
5. Unappreciated
6. Noticed or famed
7. Dry
8. ___ de Janeiro, Brazil
9. Type of beet used as cattle feed
10. Soviet dictator Joseph ______ (1879-1953)
11. Ancestral
12. Mammalian liquid waste
13. Monetary units of Western Samoa
18. Utilizing
23. Winged
24. Stamp coinage
25. Borough in Scotland
26. Busy with (2 words)
27. Front part of a vessel
28. Aspirin or Tylenol
29. Typefaces
31. Feet of horses
33. Basic structural unit of all organisms
34. Pay As You Earn
36. Victories
37. An instrument for indicating a quantity
39. Flat mass of floating ice
40. Delete
42. Positive electrodes
43. Underarm
44. Rapidly
45. A whirring sound
46. Buffalo
48. A1
49. Fly high
50. Turkish monetary unit
51. Small island
54. Knock
55. Drench

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Last modified: July 11, 2002. Copyright 2002 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.