Crossword puzzle for January 25, 2001

1. Brightest star in the constellation Virgo
6. Cain's brother
10. Broad band worn over the shoulder
14. Latin for "Broad" or "Extensive"
15. Indian dress
16. You (archaic)
17. Badly suited
18. Graceful bird
19. Hindu system of exercises
20. Re________ = recalled
22. Solidified
24. Periods of history
25. Easily understood
26. Household tutor
29. Carnivorous sea mammal
30. Always
31. Mountainous region of West Virginia
37. Push away
39. Late band leader ___ Brown
40. Threefold
41. Not traversed
44. To a position on
45. Distribute
46. Singer Sheena ______
48. Approval
52. Scholastic Aptitude Tests
53. Far East
54. Aerial gymnasts
58. Liturgy of a church
59. United States Dept. of Agriculture
61. Moderate purple color
62. Personal (abbrev.)
63. Blade of tall slender grass
64. Andes mountain animal
65. Narrow opening
66. Hotels
67. More clever

1. Slender
2. Window glass
3. Article
4. One who serves the king wine
5. Towards the rear
6. Donkeys
7. Prostitute or madam
8. Earned Run Average
9. Relating to the tongue
10. Instruments for writing
11. Grasp
12. German for "Sail"
13. Impetuous
21. New Zealand hardwood tree
23. Acclaim
25. Rental agreement
26. South American country
27. Not odd
28. Department (abbrev.)
29. A short period of time
32. Braid
33. Bird of the genus Loxia
34. Clue
35. To the inside
36. Long period of time
38. Burdened
42. Short tube with a constricted throat
43. Darling
47. Coral islands
48. Military subdivision
49. Projecting bay window
50. Explosive
51. Perceives (archaic)
52. Large quantities
54. City in Yemen
55. Mountain range in Kirghiz
56. Docile
57. Mark left by a wound
60. Former unit of currency in Japan

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