Crossword puzzle for May 30, 2023

1. Grocery carriers
6. Naked
10. Detail
14. Ready for anything
15. Black stone
16. Female horse
17. Radiolocation
18. Short skirt
19. Needles
20. Disperses
22. 1 1 1 1
23. Small amount
24. Quizzes
26. Calculator's ancestor
30. Doesn't succeed
32. The best people or things
33. Awkwardest
37. Deserve
38. Object
39. Dull
40. It hides body odor
42. Aircraft
43. Bungling
44. Voguish
45. Broaden
47. Anagram of "Eat"
48. Plateau
49. Histories
56. Where the sun rises
57. Claw
58. Push
59. Not false
60. Otherwise
61. Keen
62. Visual organs
63. Observed
64. Pilotless plane

1. Complain
2. Winglike
3. Overhaul
4. Snare
5. Layer
6. Wanderer
7. Module
8. Physics unit
9. Being
10. Unimaginable
11. Sully
12. Anagram of "Sneer"
13. Clutter
21. Petrol
25. Antlered animal
26. Passed with flying colors
27. Scottish hillside
28. Designed for flight
29. Nominees
30. Fire starter
31. Parental sister
33. Fella
34. Distinctive flair
35. Found on most beaches
36. Not we
38. Ditches
41. Half of a pair
42. Exalted
44. Right after nine
45. Fatigued
46. Put out
47. Nominal
48. Distribute
50. Puncture
51. Thorny flower
52. Blacken
53. Corporate image
54. Not odd
55. Arid

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for May 2023

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