Crossword puzzle for March 9, 2023

1. Wading bird
6. Falafel bread
10. Obscures
14. Din
15. Passed with flying colors
16. Skin disease
17. Commence
18. Anagram of "Dear"
19. Put away
20. Timely
22. Arrived
23. Ancient alphabetic character
24. Forayed into
26. Several
30. Dung beetle
31. Our star
32. Culminating point
33. Jobs for musicians
35. Relative magnitudes
39. Greek goddess of healing
41. Diminishing
43. Partially melted snow
44. Fill to excess
46. Coastal raptor
47. Buddy
49. Excavate
50. Amount of medication
51. Orb
54. Millisecond
56. Impoverished
57. Trickiness
63. Arm bone
64. Fern clusters
65. Cowboy sport
66. Violent disturbance
67. Type of sword
68. Apple-based alcoholic drink
69. Ripped
70. Geek
71. Wear away
1. Declines
2. Delight
3. Indian music
4. Greek goddess of discord
5. Above a baritone
6. Psychological disorders
7. Large mass of floating ice
8. Blue-green
9. Snakes
10. Entranced
11. Group of eight
12. Munchkin
13. Stitched
21. Gentle prod
25. Certain something
26. Exhausts
27. Iridescent gem
28. List of choices
29. Infuriate
34. Slaked
36. Novice
37. Hotels
38. Curved molding
40. Blacken
42. Father
45. Adorer
48. Let up
51. Gush
52. Infantile paralysis
53. Respect
55. Sorceress
58. Desire
59. French for "Black"
60. Poi source
61. Sow
62. Achy

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for March 2023

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