Crossword puzzle for June 22, 2011

1. Shantytown
5. Step
10. A river in Spain
14. Sound
15. Call to arms
16. Winged
17. Frighten
19. Potting need
20. Floral necklace
21. Express a thought
22. Expressionless
23. Vocal vibrato
25. Gathered leaves
27. Lyric poem
28. Under a curse
31. A timid man
34. A type of small lizard
35. Fodder
36. Parcels of land
37. Cheer up
38. Tableland
39. Estimated time of arrival
40. Tomb
41. Washed-out
42. Closet
44. Failure
45. East African oryx
46. Beginning
50. Take as one's own
52. Place
54. A painkiller (abbrev.)
55. Trade
56. Deadlock
58. Nil
59. Any habitation at a high altitude
60. Arch type
61. Swirl
62. The color of most grass
63. Overtake

1. Piling
2. A solitary person
3. Unfasten
4. Japanese apricot
5. 3 base hit in baseball
6. Audio transmission
7. Flair
8. Quarrel
9. Coloring agent
10. A celebration of the Resurrection
11. Carnage
12. Precipitation
13. Parisian airport
18. Saturnine
22. Gull-like bird
24. Tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants
26. Highest point
28. Sisal
29. Lack of difficulty
30. Pair
31. Killed
32. Bit
33. The right side of a ship
34. Smooth and white
37. Greek god of love
38. Put together
40. Fortitude and determination
41. Cash in hand
43. Position
44. Muffle
46. Wish granter
47. Goat-like antelope
48. Small islands
49. Periods of discounted prices
50. Cutting tool
51. Accomplishment
53. Container weight
56. Droop
57. Not bottom

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for June 2011

Last modified: June 12, 2011. Copyright 2011 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.