Crossword puzzle for June 4, 2011

1. Incite
6. Vipers
10. Expunge
14. Strange
15. Put away
16. X X X X
17. Entice
18. Heap
19. Objectives
20. A very tall building
22. Hint
23. Angelic instrument
24. They cast ballots
26. Dry riverbed
30. An Indian dish
31. Prefix meaning "Above"
32. Flair
33. Arch type
35. Use to one's advantage
39. Nouveau-riche
41. A state of equilibrium
43. Article of faith
44. Porn
46. "Little piggies"
47. U-boat
49. L
50. Concludes
51. Immobilize
54. "Oh, my!"
56. Test
57. Help
63. Tart citrus fruit
64. Loathsome
65. Hemorrhagic fever
66. Chief Norse god
67. Biblical garden
68. Plateaux
69. Canvas dwelling
70. Repose
71. Dozed

1. Adjusts
2. Glance
3. A fighting force
4. Tears
5. A sailing vessel with two masts
6. Certain edible young shoots
7. Speckle
8. A native of Poland
9. Change direction abruptly
10. Turn off
11. Banish
12. Bushbaby
13. S S S S
21. A radioactive gas
25. October birthstone
26. Cried
27. Wings
28. Gosh!
29. Laying out money for profit
34. Exuberant
36. Any minute
37. Chilled
38. Not more
40. Decorative case
42. Collection of maps
45. A childhood disease
48. He builds dams
51. Serf
52. Rust, for example
53. Street urchin
55. Stalks
58. Pro or con
59. Cain's brother
60. It smells
61. Applaud
62. Where the sun rises

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for June 2011

Last modified: June 1, 2011. Copyright 2011 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.