Crossword puzzle for September 16, 2010

1. Dealt
5. Employ
8. Agricultural enterprise
12. Arch type
13. Mountain crest
15. Tall woody plant
16. Neighborhood
17. Photographer's model
18. Tops of jars
19. A line of small holes for tearing
22. Fifth note in do-re-mi
23. Prefix meaning "Above"
24. Goofy
26. Madness
29. Fright
31. Male offspring
32. Reluctant
34. Sticker
36. They come from hens
38. A freshwater fish
40. Sea eagle
41. Grows weary
43. Wanderer
45. Expert
46. Gentle stroke
48. Exhalation
50. Penny
51. Grandmother (British)
52. Floral necklace
54. Ramshackle
61. Computer symbol
63. Governs
64. Former Italian currency
65. Close
66. Gash
67. Fragrance
68. Twaddle (British)
69. Allow
70. A daring exploit

1. Detergent
2. Monster
3. Lascivious look
4. Be unbearably loud
5. Murres
6. Dispatched
7. Decorative case
8. Faster Than Light
9. Nobleman
10. Start over
11. Net
13. Fruit resembling a peach
14. Part of a lyric poem
20. October birthstone
21. An aromatic ointment
25. Liberated
26. Reasoned judgment
27. Lacking social graces
28. Stories
29. The opposable digit
30. Livestock farm
31. Collection
33. As well
35. Away from the wind
37. Arid
39. Make dirty or spotty
42. Transmit
44. Not alive
47. Mixes
49. Not digital
52. Enumerate
53. Reflected sound
55. Quiet time
56. Wings
57. Annoyance
58. The periodic rise and fall of the sea
59. Greek god of love
60. Blowgun missile
62. Greatest possible

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for September 2010

Last modified: August 29, 2010. Copyright 2010 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.