Crossword puzzle for July 9, 2010

1. Common people
6. Wearied
11. A painkiller (abbrev.)
14. Farewell
15. Bad treatment
16. Smack
17. Divisions
19. Bigheadedness
20. American actor Clark _____
21. Author Mark _____
23. Freshwater clam
27. Headgear for a horse
28. Intervention
32. Ramble
33. Waste time
34. Prattle
37. Fastens
38. Competitor
39. Not Papa
40. A type of evergreen shrub
41. Claw
42. Deadly
43. However
45. Globe
48. A city in the Ukraine
49. Ply
50. Robbed
53. Gorilla
54. Alleviating fever
60. Two short of a dozen
61. Determine the number of
62. Palm cockatoo
63. Earned Run Average
64. Gray sea eagles
65. A pariah

1. Something that is temporarily popular
2. Poetic tribute
3. Back talk
4. New Zealand parrot
5. A medical operation
6. Doorpost
7. Cain's brother
8. A ridge of sand
9. Estimate (abbrev.)
10. Demolish
11. Not behind
12. A seal
13. Do penance
18. After-bath powder
22. Be victorious
23. Foggy
24. Unfasten
25. Scatter
26. The Caribbean and Adriatic, for example
27. Tab
29. Ancient Roman magistrate
30. Enjoy
31. Incline
34. Movable fence barriers
35. Accumulate
36. A very light wood
38. Praise enthusiastically
39. He's a guy
41. Patio
42. National
43. Born
44. Sacred
45. Formerly, a writing tablet
46. What we write on
47. A doglike nocturnal mammal
50. Bowl over
51. Prong
52. Chooses
55. Neither ___
56. Before
57. Faucet
58. Anger
59. Automobile

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for July 2010

Last modified: July 8, 2010. Copyright 2010 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.