Crossword puzzle for May 24, 2010

1. Strip of wood
5. Not asleep
10. Resorts
14. Arch type
15. Challenged
16. Acquire deservedly
17. Provisioning
19. Tall woody plant
20. Two fives
21. State of mind
22. What's left behind
24. A river in Spain
25. Be uncomfortably hot
26. Angel
29. A legging
30. China grass
31. Bridge support
32. Not in
35. "Oh, my!"
36. _____ and quiet
37. Sound
38. French for "Good"
39. Spear
40. Animal with a snout
41. Loath
43. A kidnapper's goal
44. A separate section of a legal document
46. Throw
47. A Japanese woman entertainer
48. Sodium chloride
49. Egyptian cobra
52. Dwarf buffalo
53. The publication of a club
56. Twinge
57. Stop
58. Bit
59. Otherwise
60. Go in
61. Neuter

1. Room at the top
2. Chills and fever
3. Cousin of a gull
4. Female chicken
5. Gather on the surface, chemically
6. Burning bush
7. Dry
8. Barbie's beau
9. With the edge forward
10. Agree out of court
11. Airborne infantry
12. Mountain crest
13. Contemptuous look
18. Permeate
23. Collections
24. Goddess of discord (Greek mythology)
25. Condiment
26. Fourth sign of the zodiac
27. Angelic headgear
28. Emissions
29. Elegance
31. Anxious
33. Pearly-shelled mussel
34. Course
36. Manner of speaking
37. Bronzes your skin
39. Deviant
40. Flavor
42. Countenance
43. Hair curler
44. Open-mouthed
45. Kidney-related
46. Piece of armor for a thigh
48. Smack
49. At the peak of
50. Stiff hair
51. Beseech
54. Poetic time of day
55. "___ the season ..."

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for May 2010

Last modified: May 13, 2010. Copyright 2010 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.