Crossword puzzle for May 18, 2009

1. Verbal
5. Break open
10. Overtake
14. Moral weakness
15. New Zealand native
16. Modify written material
17. Manage
19. Portend
20. Away from the wind
21. Anagram of "Salt"
22. Insignia
24. Bright thought
25. Futile
26. Impassive
29. Occasional sleeping sounds
30. Have second thoughts
31. Gunk
32. Young bear
35. Culminating point
36. Rub
37. Arid
38. Apiece
39. Disreputable
40. Cooktop
41. Shoot for
43. Caustic
44. Tangible
46. Economize
47. Go to
48. Child
49. Third person pronoun female
52. Mix
53. The audience of a book or newspaper
56. Rational
57. Glacial ridge
58. Sit for a photo
59. Therefore
60. Destitute
61. Basilica area

1. Elliptical
2. Carnival attraction
3. Highest point
4. Floral necklace
5. Grinned
6. Noodles
7. Parcels of land
8. Anger
9. Dreary
10. Little rock
11. Teenager
12. Factions
13. Stalks
18. Low point
23. No more than
24. Holly
25. Bring together for a common purpose
26. Exchange
27. Adhesive strip
28. Hamming it up
29. Anagram of "Deals"
31. Portion
33. Encourage
34. Ale or lager
36. Kids
37. Fill to excess
39. Rotate
40. Stream
42. Record player
43. A bread shop
44. Piece of armor for a thigh
45. Perfume
46. Allied
48. Bring
49. Store
50. Snake sound
51. Sword
54. East southeast
55. Resort

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for May 2009

Last modified: May 8, 2009. Copyright 2009 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.