Crossword puzzle for July 12, 2006

1. French pancake
6. A country in southeast Asia
10. Coop
14. A wading bird
15. Seaweed
16. Baking appliance
17. A small picture inserted within another
18. Vended
19. Be bothered by
20. An oil-producing seed
22. Whittle
23. Chinese revolutionary
24. Smoothed
26. Close
30. Mongoose-like carnivore
32. Leaf of the talipot palm
33. A city in Tunisia
35. Strange or spooky
39. Location
41. Beer
42. Brushes off
43. Artist's workstand
44. Where birds live
46. The protruding part of the lower jaw
47. Genus of hemlock spruce
49. Strongly opposed
51. Defaced
54. Not against
55. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
56. Behead
63. Relating to the ear
64. Always
65. Hue
66. A water basin
67. Go on horseback
68. Chieftain
69. God of love (Greek mythology)
70. Sleigh
71. Sows

1. Fashionable
2. City in Nevada
3. Formerly
4. Verse writer
5. Bury
6. Lariat
7. Found in some skin lotions
8. Look amorously
9. Make unhappy
10. Proficiency
11. Pertaining to birds
12. A literary style
13. Finished
21. Negatives
25. V V V V
26. No (slang)
27. Singer Fitzgerald
28. "Oh my!"
29. Where horses compete
30. Helmet shaped
31. X X X X
34. Tooth
36. A tributary of the Rhine River
37. Wading bird
38. Anglo-Saxon slave
40. Otherwise
45. Waterproof canvas
48. Bovine mammary glands
50. People talking
51. Large northern deer
52. Abuzz
53. Horned animal
54. Whittled
57. Wicked
58. Yield
59. Book
60. Downwind
61. Anagram of "Dote"
62. Makes a mistake

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for July 2006

Last modified: July 11, 2006. Copyright 2006 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.