Crossword puzzle for May 26, 2006

1. Not against the law
6. Native of New Zealand
11. Unhappy
14. An adult insect
15. Pertaining to cities
16. Macaque
17. Approvals
19. Three in Roman numerals
20. What a book is called
21. Bovine mammary gland
23. Be unbearably loud
27. Glazed
28. Bigger prints
32. Ships
33. 2nd planet from the sun
34. Argument (British)
37. Highest degree attainable
38. Groups of cattle
39. Cornice
40. 17th letter of the Greek alphabet
41. A ballroom dance
42. Portrayed a role
43. Glossing over
45. Capable of killing
48. Select
49. Shot from a bow
50. Pass out
53. Sheep sound
54. Unchangeable
60. Etcetera (abbrev.)
61. Pertaining to Scandinavia
62. Once more
63. A parcel of land
64. Not the bride
65. Units of distance

1. Found outside the mouth
2. Scottish for "Uncle"
3. Needlefish
4. Annual General Meeting
5. Lingers
6. Ought
7. Seed coat
8. Slender woodwind instrument
9. Hurried away on foot
10. Verbal abuses
11. Slides uncontrollably
12. Zodiac sign of the Ram
13. Pertaining to milk
18. Croon
22. Hyrax
23. Exclude
24. Father of Methuselah
25. San Antonio fort
26. Destiny
27. Wildebeests
29. Something that happens
30. Blend together
31. Empower
34. Relative magnitudes
35. Baking appliances
36. A triangular shape
38. Ice pellets
39. Reflected sound
41. Defrosting
42. A container for cigarette butts
43. Which person?
44. Skin disease
45. Tag
46. Muse of lyric poetry
47. An extended area of land
50. A type of gambling card game
51. As well
52. A distinct part
55. Neither ___
56. A commander in the Ottoman Empire
57. Tavern
58. A removeable cover
59. N N N N

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for May 2006

Last modified: May 19, 2006. Copyright 2006 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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