Crossword puzzle for March 1, 2006

1. Unpleasantly stern
6. Swear
10. Letters
14. Magistrate
15. Initial wager
16. Found in some skin lotions
17. Broadcasting and/or print
18. A former king of Israel
19. Tart spiciness
20. Unskillfulness
22. Murres
23. Before
24. Not unusual
26. A short jacket for women
30. Sporting venue
32. In a little while (archaic)
33. Not a single one
35. Verbalize
39. North American diving duck
41. Registered Nursing Assistant
42. Strainer
43. An emperor of Japan
44. City in Italy
46. Mineral-bearing rocks
47. Pepperwort
49. A speech sound
51. Large stone statue in Egypt
54. Anagram of "Pal"
55. Region
56. Insightful
63. Harbor
64. French for "State"
65. Lubricated
66. Slender woodwind instrument
67. Attractive
68. Support for an injured arm
69. Rip
70. Fastened
71. Exhilarate

1. Prefix indicating half
2. City in Yemen
3. Go on horseback
4. Slide
5. Fastball (slang)
6. Social status
7. Tree sloth
8. An upright in a wall
9. Goddess of the moon (Greek mythology)
10. Coming to full development
11. Bell, buzzer or siren
12. A region of western Asia Minor
13. Not against the law
21. Press laundry
25. Burden
26. Strong woody fibers
27. At one time
28. Lend
29. Spoke clearly
30. Pakistani copper coins
31. The back end
34. Spheres
36. A three-tone Chadic language
37. Not odd
38. Repose
40. Sexually explicit material
45. Small island
48. Anticipate
50. Be against
51. Taste or flavor
52. Examine physically
53. A wading bird
54. Portrayed a role
57. Pocketbook
58. Charge per unit
59. Cashbox
60. An ancient city in Asia Minor
61. Air intake
62. The boundary of a surface

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for March 2006

Last modified: February 28, 2006. Copyright 2006 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.