Crossword puzzle for November 1, 2005

1. Expert flyers
5. Skin disease
9. Discotheque
14. Fashion or manner
15. Wander
16. Family of a spouse
17. Holly
18. Baby's bed
19. Make amends
20. In another place
22. Hands out
23. Insolence
24. A rigid protective covering
26. Anagram of "Bio"
29. Child
33. Scalp scales
38. A type of medium-sized penguin
39. To the windward side
40. Celebrities
42. A competition involving speed
43. A type of volcanic rock
45. Secretly modified
47. Sofa
48. Woman
49. God of the underworld (Greek mythology)
52. Anagram of "Ruses"
57. A horizontal surface for holding objects
60. Transitory
63. Small crude dwelling
64. Defeat utterly
65. Ramble
66. Overweight
67. Smidgen
68. Utilized
69. Superlative of Bad
70. Formerly
71. Untidyness

1. Awry
2. Part of the large intestine
3. Swelling under the skin
4. Genders
5. A curved shaped that spans an opening
6. The center of an object
7. Nigerian monetary unit
8. A piece of hot glowing coal
9. Gemstone
10. Hinder
11. A small narrow opening
12. Walking stick
13. Anagram of "Woes"
21. Sound of something in rapid motion
25. Unhealthy vapors
27. Caught or arrested (slang)
28. Frequently
30. Wing-shaped
31. A city in France
32. Placed on a tee
33. Pats
34. Winged
35. What birds live in
36. Undying
37. Obese
41. Small piece of cloth
44. Pamphlet
46. A small smooth-skinned fruit
50. Strange
51. Trail
53. Body fluid
54. Jagged
55. Rants
56. Sleighs
57. Display
58. Vagabond
59. Always
61. Shacks
62. French for "State"

Home Today's solution Crosswords for November 2005

Last modified: September 30, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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