1. Abuzz
6. Defect
10. Teller of untruths
14. Most populous country
15. Molten rock
16. Impulse
17. Dyes with a color
18. Pitcher
19. Scarce
20. Orations
22. Precipitated
24. Southeast Asian country
25. Adult chickens
26. Expands
29. Fruit of the blackthorn bush
30. What a person is called
31. A steep slope
37. Decree
39. Local Area Network
40. Forbidden
41. Skin blemishes
44. A deposit of valuable ore
45. Beams of light
46. Afflicted
48. Rational motives
52. Twinge
53. Permits
54. Lack of light
58. Prison
59. Angers
61. Spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle
62. Sicilian volcano
63. 1 1 1 1
64. Empower
65. Fortune teller
66. Back of the neck
67. Ceases

1. 5th book of the New Testament
2. Boat
3. Prong
4. The capacity for rational thought
5. Rogue
6. Hurries away
7. Rules
8. Avenue (abbrev.)
9. Soldier
10. Glaringly vivid
11. Pertaining to modern day Persia
12. Consent
13. Tall woody perennial grasses
21. Flexible tube
23. Proficient
25. Void
26. Bolt
27. African gully
28. Chieftain
29. Marks or scrapes
32. Kills
33. Malevolent
34. Black
35. A connecting point
36. "____ the line" = conformed under pressure
38. Toss
42. Large house
43. Box
47. Sometimes these get sprained
48. Periods of intense anger
49. Fill with high spirits
50. Without company
51. Pertaining to the sun
52. Outmoded
54. To a great depth
55. Edible starchy root of taro plants
56. Cause to overflow
57. Stitches
60. Registered Nursing Assistant

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for July 2005

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