1. Millisecond
5. Apprehend
8. Vipers
12. Skin irritation
13. Fasten
15. Expectorate
16. Former Italian currency
17. City in Nebraska
18. Slow pace of running
19. Dependable
22. Not old
23. Snake-like fish
24. Food grains
26. A narrow channel
29. Get temporarily
31. Former Soviet space station
32. The sound of a bell rung slowly
34. The oldest of the 3 orders of Greek architecture
36. 1 1 1 1
38. Team
40. Queen of Carthage (Roman mythology)
41. Contemplated
43. A branchlet
45. Mesh
46. Join together
48. Harmless or kindly
50. As well
51. Hurried on foot
52. It is (poetic)
54. The spatial property of being crowded together
61. Thorny flower
63. Vassal
64. Muslim prayer leader
65. An individual unit
66. Horse
67. 9
68. Created or built
69. Old age (archaic)
70. Became larger

1. Fish sperm
2. Agitate or mix
3. Anagram of "Cure"
4. One who pursues
5. Jules Verne's captain
6. Wing-shaped
7. Monetary unit of Thailand
8. American Sign Language
9. Patronage
10. Tube
11. Ragout
13. A sport involving balls and pins
14. A popular web-directory
20. A hard strong durable yellow-brown wood
21. 3 feet
25. Stepped
26. An air-filled cavity in the skull
27. Intruded
28. Brief and to the point
29. A promotional endorsement
30. Broaden
31. Mother
33. Cut back
35. Camp bed
37. Vend
39. Punctured
42. A round flat object
44. A small fly
47. Chills
49. A period of play in baseball
52. Clip
53. A very small amount
55. A very small arachnid
56. Skin of a fruit
57. Older
58. Chieftain
59. Rational
60. A diving duck
62. Scottish for "Uncle"

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for April 2005

Last modified: April 1, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.