Crossword puzzle for August 1, 2000

1. South American wood sorrel
4. Corporate executive officer
7. Ancient country
12. Uses water as a coolant and moderator
13. Twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes
14. Makes reefs
15. Visualize
17. A place of assembly for the people in ancient Greece
18. Round globular seed
19. Take hold of
21. Drunkard
22. Wings
24. __ student, learns healing
25. Monetary unit
26. Japanese classical theater
27. A ceremonial procession including people marching
29. Line of equal barometric pressure
31. Incited, esp. deliberately, to anger
35. Natives of the Arabian peninsula
37. The 7th letter of the Greek alphabet
38. Dressed
41. Chief information officer
42. The persistence of a sound after its source has stopped
43. Paddle
44. The cry made by sheep
45. Travelling towards the southeast
46. Sacred objective position
48. Sunday
52. Type genus of the Irenidae
53. __ Lilly, drug company
54. Sargeant major (abbrev.)
55. Political plot
56. A baglike structure
57. Adam's wife

1. Obeah
2. A steep-walled semicircular basin in a mountain
3. Algonquian
4. Blue flowered plant
5. The longest division of geological time
6. The first event in a series
7. Take the place of work of someone on strike
8. Domestic swine
9. Having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed
10. A nobleman (in various countries) of varying rank
11. Alar
16. 7th letter
20. Opus
22. Black tropical American cuckoo
23. __ Angeles
24. Castanets
25. A very large body of water
27. Score
28. Medical man
30. Having negative qualities
32. Die
33. Ethiopia (abbrev.)
34. Taoism
36. Diagonals
38. Arousing or provoking laughter
39. __ Dern, actress
40. Cubic measure
42. The outward flow of the tide
44. Semitic fertility god
45. Invests in little enterprises
47. Registered Nursing Assistant
49. Flower petals
50. The widely studied virus that causes tobacco mosaic
51. Own (Scottish)

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for August 2000

Last modified: August 3, 2000. Copyright 2000 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.