Crossword puzzle for June 26, 2000

1. Hall Of Fame
4. Medium-sized mackerel
8. Month of the Hebrew calendar
12. Hirobumi __, former Japanese Prime Minister
13. Accessible to all
14. Type genus of the Ranidae
15. Candy
17. A way to print
18. People of the Far East
19. Free from psychological disorder
21. The set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation
23. Rattling breaths
26. Supplements with difficulty
29. Putting an end to debate or questioning
31. Strong liquor flavored with juniper berries
32. August __, German socialist
33. Capture or detain
34. Calculating devices
36. Monetary unit of Western Samoa
37. Stable populations (Ecology)
38. Mexican dish
40. Antelope
42. With many branches
46. Filippo __, Saint
48. A shrewd person who knows how to circumvent difficulties
50. Mid-month
51. Cover with liquid
52. 007's creator
53. Portend
54. Grass sheaths
55. Cycles/second

1. Fissures
2. Inventor of the safety elevator
3. Absorptions
4. Highest peak of the Apennines
5. Happenings
6. Not just "play"
7. Figures
8. Stadiums
9. Determine time
10. Mandela's party
11. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
16. Paddles
20. Plant part
22. Month of the Hebrew calendar
24. Welsh name
25. Southeast by east
26. Oh, God!
27. Ulcerated chilblain on the heel
28. Inspired with love
30. About Caesar
32. Full of activity
35. Purplish red
36. Alternative names for the body of a human being
39. Worries
41. Bantu people
43. About organ of hearing
44. Cleanser
45. Sea eagles
46. Horny projecting jaws of a bird
47. Yeddo
49. Prisoner of war

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for June 2000

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